Sunday, May 20, 2007

But I feel good...

Having counted out the species as self-destructive some time ago, and probably fated to survive in space if at all, I am less jolted by the dreary news of the day than I once was. My mood is determined more by how work in my own garden is going. What I've learned from a lifetime of observing the world and reading about it is that, in the mass, nobody learns a goddamn thing from history. We repeat the same political and social mistakes over and over. We must be wired for war.
clipped from


Poll: American satisfaction at new low

WASHINGTON - It's gloomy out there. Men and women, whites and minorities — all are feeling a war-weary pessimism about the country seldom shared by so many people.

Only 25 percent of those surveyed say things in the U.S. are going in the right direction, according to an AP-Ipsos poll this month. That is about the lowest level of satisfaction detected since the survey started in December 2003.

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