Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Busy day

Off bright and early to the dentist, finally getting fitted for a new bridge. Treat myself to breakfast afterwards. Afternoon dedicated to students, seven scripts to look at. Evening a belated mother's day dinner with H and two of her kids, the daughter in town and a son who flew up from SF.

Student-free this weekend, more or less, so I hope to make progress on all projects, especially getting the splay back in gear. I'm less than a writing week away from finishing a draft. And I remain very excited about the new take on the Cold War material. Yes! And, of course, my head buzzes with music for Final Exit, this is the most challenging project of all, a real stretch for me. I'll need to be "rescued" by a real composer when I'm done, of course, but that's even part of the fun. "See what you can do with this!"

I seem to have escaped the recent flirtation with a new virus. Knock on my wooden head. And again, just in case. Onward.

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