Tomorrow is another day etc.
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"The struggle itself ... is enough to fill a man's heart." --Camus
"Remarkable" (London Screenwriters Workshop)
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I am not the intended audience for Deemer's books - I'm an avid reader who enjoys the depth and development of the novels I read. The short, clipped passages here are somewhat frustrating for me. In a way, EMIL'S LAST ADVENTURE reads like the treatment for a movie (Deemer is a professor of screenwriting, after all), leaving me wanting much more. But in another way, I appreciate what Deemer is able to do in just a few pages, and there's no doubt his characters come alive for the reader in just a few words.
Two things I will remember most about EMIL'S LAST ADVENTURE: 1) the Goosenecks of San Juan River, in Utah (I had never even heard of them before reading this, but the images I found on Google were so breathtaking I'm determined to make the trip!), and 2) "Song of the Turkey Buzzard," by poet Lew Welch ("Not the bronze casket but the brazen wing, soaring forever above thee, o perfect, o sweetest water, o glorious wheeling bird"). This is a satisfying and thought-provoking story that is definitely worth a read.
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Kissing feet of AIDS patient |
Here’s a bulletin to Publishers Weekly and the American Booksellers Association from the reality-based world:- Amazon is one of the biggest successes in American business to arise during the last 20 years.- Amazon is one of the most admired consumer brands among both businesspeople and consumers in the United States. By and large, Amazon customers love Amazon.- Authors are moving toward self-publishing and away from traditional publishers in droves in large part because Amazon treats them well. Traditional publishers treat them poorly. Most bookstores treat indie authors poorly.- Some indie bookstores are run by fine people, but a job working as an employee of a small independent bookstore is almost certainly a dead-end, low-wage career. A job working with Amazon, in a fulfillment center or otherwise, almost certainly pays better and offers much more opportunity for advancement than a job working in any bookstore, Barnes & Noble or indie.- The book world is changing. Authors are being empowered as never before. You can probably benefit from the change if you want to, but the change will happen with or without you.- Despite what you tell yourselves about printed books, readers like ebooks. Readers like lower ebook prices. Readers like wide ebook selection. Readers like being able to order a new ebook wherever they are and whenever they want a new book.- Printed books will always exist, but as print runs grow smaller, prices will inevitably move higher.- Hating on Amazon makes you look like a bunch of out-of-touch losers. It is absolutely the wrong way to respond to changes sweeping through the world of books.UPDATE: PG just checked starting salaries for open fulfillment jobs at Amazon – the people who work in the warehouses, pulling orders and stuffing boxes. Depending on location, they ranged from $11-13.50 and include health insurance, stock plan, etc. He’s not an expert on bookstore jobs, but he thinks a whole lot of those begin at minimum wage with no benefits.
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About the two worlds of the story. Used to this sort of thing in Eastern and Scandanavian languages, not Russian. Go to article.Два мира вашего сценария (перевод статьи автора Charles Deemer)
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“The Peace of Wild Things” by Wendell Berry:When despair for the world grows in me
and I wake in the night at the least sound
in fear of what my life and my children’s lives may be,
I go and lie down where the wood drake
rests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds.
I come into the peace of wild things
who do not tax their lives with forethought
of grief. I come into the presence of still water.
And I feel above me the day-blind stars
waiting with their light. For a time
I rest in the grace of the world, and am free.
"It was wonderful to find America, but it would have been more wonderful to miss it."
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"The greatest criminal is a man without money."
"Where is the telephone?"
"Let's go to Banares where the sun is shining ..."
"Nothing you can do can help a dead man."
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**NOW FREE: my 1997 ground-breaking hypertext tutorial: Screenwright: the craft of screenwriting ... Get the free Android app / alt download... Reviews
*Ebook, website, podcasting: Write Your First Screenplay
*Paperback: Practical Screenwriting
J.D. Salinger