Monday, July 29, 2013

Pope Francis On Gay Priests: 'Who Am I To Judge?' | ThinkProgress

Pope Francis On Gay Priests: 'Who Am I To Judge?' | ThinkProgress:

"Pope Francis has framed himself as a more inclusive—or at least more populist—pope since ascending to the Catholic church’s highest position earlier this year. He has received praise from many religious progressives in recent months for a series of actions that reach beyond traditional Catholics, including washing the feet of women as well as Muslims during mass; inviting homeless to dine with him at the vatican; calling on priests to drive more “humble” cars; and for publicly declaring that all people—even atheists—can be redeemed by God."

Kissing feet of AIDS patient
I'm not Catholic and generally have criticized much about Christianity over the decades. But I like the new Pope's style. I have long thought a progressive Pope could do wonders because of his stature and the world stage he occupies. I can't recall liking a Pope as much as my first reaction to this one. I'd like to see him lead a march on the White House. That ought to shake up our ignorant arrogant government a bit ha ha.

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