Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Three to go

Okay, have the rest of the book scribbled out, 3 vignettes to go. I could finish later today or tomorrow. This is very exciting, even though it really is just the prelude to the real work, the sketch for an artist's painting, but it is the most fragile step in the process because it's the only step in which something is created from nothing. All the rest is reshaping something that already exists, which provides a kind of security blanket. Interruptions when nothing yet exists can be disastrous, a thought can disappear like smoke in the wind. But interruptions during rewriting do not remove the existing material at hand. Very very different levels of work, in my view. I'm a nicer guy when I'm rewriting than when I'm creating a first draft.

So I'll take a break, get dressed (still in my bathrobe), go out for coffee -- and see where I am and what I feel like doing the rest of the day.

I love this book. Serial monogamists always speak this way.

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