Monday, December 26, 2011

Contrasting images

Japan is quite a bit ahead of us in the practical use of digital technology. I remember a decade or so ago seeing a short documentary about the future of technology. The film contrasted two students taking a working holiday to write on their graduate theses, one from Japan and one from the U.S.

The U.S student took several boxes of books with him, having to haul them to the car, upstairs to the room at his destination, and so on. The Japanese student had more books than the U.S. student and stored them all on an early electronic reading device, which he carried in a small backpack.

I saw this and thought, wow!, I can't wait for the convenience of a reading device. It's the content of a book that interests me, not the package. Books are better than scrolls and e-readers are better than books. Technology moves on, making content easier to access.

It took about a decade for U.S. students to catch up. Who knows what the futuristic Japanese are doing today?

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