Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Getting close to the end

My draft is at 45,000 words, and I have 4 or 5 vignettes to go. Barring disruption, finishing the draft this week is a cinch. Knock on my wooden head. Or is this the moment I crash to the floor with a heart attack? Well, like I say, barring disruption, the week looks great for finishing up the draft -- and then the "real" writing, the re-writing, the high fun of the process, can begin. The draft will be in excellent shape, structurally. The characters are full, though still clearer in mind than on paper, some filling in to do. No major plot tweaks seem necessary. I think the rewrite will be a focus on tone and pacing. We'll see.

At any rate, another good morning of writing.

I've started rereading Genesis Angels. What a joy! I'll have much to say when I finish. Reading great writing is a real high.

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