Thursday, December 03, 2009


Back when I was performing -- and how long has it been since I've performed last, not counting readings? -- the worst part of the experience was always waiting to go on stage. Most of the time, ten minutes before curtain, I'd have to pee. I hated these moments. So it is this morning, in a far different context, waiting to go to the doc, suggesting there's more drama here than I've admitted or accepted. An hour to waste, then I'm gone.

Been putting eggnog in my coffee. One of those holiday habits and traditions, I suppose.

I'll drive in early to the university and grab a parking place, assuming I'll let class out early enough not to get a ticket. Only about an hour's worth of class this afternoon. I typically have a short class on the last day. They have finals besides mine to worry about.

It's too late to add THE HOURS, the Hare screenplay, to winter term texts but I am pretty sure I'll use it in the spring. End the course with possibilities in a more literary mode than I've ended the course in the past. Wonder why this never occurred to me before. Well, I never seem to be satisfied, I am constantly tweaking the class anyway. Maybe this is just the latest minor revision. But I like it.

When I went out with the dog at 5 a.m. it was freezing!

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