Monday, September 27, 2010

Dark Mission

There are 782 opera piano/vocal scores in our public library. Man. One of them is the John Nugent opera to  which I wrote the libretto, Dark Mission. I love John's music but this opera has gone nowhere. So it's a relatively big deal when someone checks it out of the library, as recently. You don't check out a piano/vocal score, it seems to me, unless you intend to play some of it, to check it out. And this done, I believe John's music can speak for itself. Someone really should do this opera.

Meeting John, and discovering what a dismal opportunity for exposure the contemporary composer faced, was my original incentive for founding an online journal: to publish contemporary music, as audio files and music scores. Thus began the evolution that has ended in a journal focusing on video about the arts, Oregon Literary Review.

Whoever is checking out the score, I hope they dig it as much as I do.

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