Thursday, August 28, 2008

The fragility of hope

Those of us who were adults during the series of assassinations in the 60s know first hand how fragile political hope can be. It seemed like whenever a progressive political leader took center stage, "they" killed him off. And so it's not surprising to me when a black friend says about Obama's nomination, They'll kill him. "They". Who is they? The opponents of progressive change, variously described as Power Lords, Big Money Interests, Status Quo Defenders, the nebulous "they." A long list of conspiracy theories gets added to the mix. "They". And now we can add racism into the mix.

But hope is on the horizon again, as it hasn't been experienced since the 60s, and we who were there can't help but worry if history will repeat itself, if "they" again will bring out the assassins to keep change from getting out of hand, from redistributing income in any significant way, to challenging corporate power in any significant way. What new conspiracy are "they" planning now?

Of course, Obama may not even get elected. I like to believe he will be but maybe the country isn't ready for the kind of change he represents. Unfortunately, it will be a mean-spirited and dishonest and dirty campaign, and Obama will be urged to throw as much mud as he gets. I hope the excitement and hope he inspires doesn't get lost in the smoke.

It's an extraordinary moment in our history. The question is, Is it a dangerous one as well?

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