Thursday, June 12, 2008

Branching narratives

This sounds like a great idea. Meanwhile I've noticed that "hyperdrama" is being used lately with a non-dramaturgical meaning, in the sense of "extreme drama" -- thus the "hyperdrama of the primary."
clipped from

'Choose Your Own Adventure' for Grown-ups

Powers has chosen to illustrate his theme — and entertain readers — in his new book, You Are a Miserable Excuse for a Hero, by using the form of the popular "Choose Your Own Adventure" books. In those children's books, readers would be led through different parts of the story depending on which decisions they made for the characters and the story. The outcome relied entirely on the choices readers made.

"Give us fifty thousand dollars by tomorrow or we'll blow her head off," the voice says. "We'll call again at midnight with further instructions."


If you want to go and ask your parents if you can borrow fifty thousand dollars from them, go to page 173.

If you want to have sex with your ex-girlfriend consider getting back together with her, then think better of it, go to page 183.

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