Saturday, October 27, 2007

Does it ever end?

Double-tasking in front of the Oregon-USC football game (Oregon won!), I did yet another major rewrite of the first 15 pages of my new screenplay, determined to get the set up as strong and right as possible before moving on. This rewrite included a huge supporting character change (from asst to the protag to boss of same), with major consequences down the narrative path. Hopefully this rewrite will set better than the last one did ha ha. I think it might but one never knows at this stage.


Anonymous said...

I'm not in a position to lecture you, but I'll lend you my Toy Binoculars* for a few minutes, (..even if you'll see shorter with them:)

I've found that if the previous version of something really was all that much better, then you'll often remember it in pretty good detail as "hm; this is going to the dogs," and be able to re-style everything back to the old version again.

(My main point is, that if you _don't_ feel a "contrastual doubt" after having altered something, then you can be pretty sure the revision was a good decision; your pennage might vary..)

Probably easier said than done; -if most of what has happened after the revision can't be "re-dressed" all the way back to where the path changed, and/or if everything since the point of change is based strictly on the new milestone / burnt bridge, [and, maybe 'each'es own' writing-technique is a factor, too, or that things mostly aren't this simplistic.]

*Amateur Scope

Charles Deemer said...

Say what?

I agree with your last sentence.

Anonymous said...

Urr, right(..)