Saturday, February 11, 2012

Is 'Prescription for Disaster' Our 'Most Optimistic' Climate Future? | Common Dreams

Is 'Prescription for Disaster' Our 'Most Optimistic' Climate Future? | Common Dreams:

"New climate information from French scientists indicate that global warming of 2 C is the "most optimistic" scenario. Yet this is the amount of warming James Hansen has referred to as a "prescription for disaster.""

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Google is amazing. 5 minutes and one can gain about as much perspective as one wants.

1 BTU = energy needed to heat 1 pound of water by 1 degree
1 match = 1 BTU
1 average 250 horse auto produces 10,600 BTU per minute
62 million auto in USA
600,000 - 1 billion auto in the world such thing as man-made global warming.

Terry Allen