Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Riding the bus home at 3 this afternoon, a dark afternoon waiting for a storm, I was struck by how much beauty there is in the world and how sad it is that organizations of power, from governments to corporations, do so much to violate beauty for short term profits and who in the long run seem to cause more problems than they solve. How often in recent years I return to the old woman who quit voting at a very old age and who had a perfect explanation for her decision: "I don't want to encourage them."

Which also brings to mind the brilliant ending of Lew Welch's "Chicago Poem": I don't know what you're going to do about it but I know what I'm going to do about it. I'm going to walk away from it. Maybe a small part of it will die if I'm not around feeding it any more.

Thoreau's very definition of moral action and the "majority of one."

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