Wednesday, January 04, 2012


Midweek mellow has become a soporific struggle. Maybe mid-afternoon coffee can bolt me through with a second wind. Or not. Does it matter?

I finished Screenwriter. What makes it a damn good but not "great" book for me is the last third, where the narrator gets repetitive in his despair, the narrative slowing down. I found myself skimming through a dozen pages or so, waiting for the next action. A small complaint but a complaint nonetheless. Every screenwriter or wannabe screenwriter should read this novel. I might even assign it if it were out in a cheap paperback. I'll definitely recommend it and a few of my more serious students probably will look at it.

Turned into a very gray day. Not cold but gray and almost mysterious outside. Man, the protagonist in my novel dislikes Portland's weather. I wonder where that comes from ha ha.

I am eager to begin the new term next week!

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