Saturday, January 21, 2012

Halfway there

Loving the process, about halfway now through the polish. Here's the plan:

when it's done, I'll make two more POD copies, one for me and one for Terry at Round Bend Press, the publisher, and this one will be like a traditional galley proof for a final read and approval.

I've responded to most of the constructive criticism I've rec'd so far (waiting for one more reader, a damn good one) but, in truth, two comments, one each from two readers, left me shaking my head -- say what? To my sensibility, to follow the suggestion would crash the whole novel-world, a tsunami of bad advice. Well, let's never forget the true cliche, There's no accounting for taste.

What I hope to teach my students is how to become their own toughest/best critic, so they can separate the good advice of others from the bad.

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