Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Ready to rock and roll

Very high energy to start rewriting the novel ... a new file, maybe the last one before the final draft ... very exciting. Lots of great constructive criticism from 3 readers I've heard from and the 4th is one the best readers I know, a former grad student of mine, always helpful in the past, so really looking forward to her feedback.

I like the notion that this is my best work. That's how I want to go out. Retire from the heavy inside-out stuff, and just dabble in fun, possibly commercial outside-in Kindle stuff (because it's so un-stressful and so QUICK and so POSSIBLE, o brave new world!). HAVE FUN, of a lighter kind by far than the heavy soul-searching stuff.

So if Sodom, Gomorrah and Jones could be my best work, or even close to the top, as tonight's reader believes it is, well, that would be very nice indeed.

But all that is so subjective, of course. In concept, I think it may well be. But can I pull it off? That was the original question, months ago. It seems I've come damn close to it. So now let's get it right and do the whole hog, as Pinter would say.

What a great time in my life.

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