Monday, August 29, 2011


We may be a two-car family again before the day is over. Our Chevy Cavalier, which we bought new in 98 and has served us very well for almost 200,000 miles, is old enough, with periodic problems, to make H nervous and wanting a "new" car. So she's been looking and found a Chevy Cobalt with 30,000 miles she likes -- if her mechanic approves, she'll buy it today. There's so little trade-in value on the other, we'll just keep it -- and hence the second car, which I'll be driving most of the time. Convenient and doesn't even raise our insurance much.

Up to speed on the novel. Calling it a novel, not a novella now, because of its complexity and what I assume is the length required to resolve everything. This feels like "a swan song," "a last work," "a summation of themes," and all the rest. I go hot and cold about whether I actually can pull it off. It surely will take far longer than the summer novella I envisioned when I began. I kept piling layer upon layer, eliminating the initial simplicity of the story. But I very much like my notion of its possibilities. And I see all my usual themes in it, giving it that "summing up" feel, which is perfect timing at this stage of my life and career. The trick now is to hang around long enough to finish it. And if I do, I certainly have musical and video projects I can turn to, if indeed this is my last substantial written work. (Or I may return to the posthumous play mode, if I need to WRITE).

I move so much slower through my work than I used to, without the past obsession, which also is appropriate for this time and place, but it lengthens the time to finish something as well. I just keep putting one foot after the other.

A major goal this week is to remember to go to our final opera class tomorrow!

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