Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Nov. 11th!

I am beginning to see Nov. 11, the day after the showing of my film (likely its only public showing), as the official Day One of Something New, and in this context I very much look forward to it. I'm not sick of the film but I have been spending many, many, many hours with it lately. Well, maybe I am sick of it. But I like it, particularly the shorter version, and it feels right for a "final statement," "swan song," or however one wants to label the end of a career, or at least a certain focus in a career, and I am eager to write my first art song, then to find a singer to sing it, then to figure out a way to video it, my first Art Song Music Video. A new gig! New territory! New unknowns!

I'm thinking of using a line, theme, by Thoreau for the first song. I think most of my lyrics will be spinoffs from favorite literary works. I definitely want to do a series around Norman O. Brown's incredible epigrams.

So this is all quite different from "storytelling" and I truly look forward to it. Come on, Nov. 11th!

p.s. Nov. 10th will be great fun. It's a night for the actors. They deserve it. The film would be impossible without them.

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