Tuesday, December 08, 2009

It has occurred to me that ...

... as a species, maybe we deserve extinction. Nature gave us a shot at making something of ourselves, and for thousands of years now we've just managed to fuck it up in one way or another, accumulating the dire consequences of our petty political selfish greedy behavior. We were an experiment in the cosmos. Maybe it's time to admit the experiment is a failure.

This is suggested by behavior today at the climate conference in Copenhagen, where possible "secret deals" have surfaced, favoring rich nations over poor, and the entire conference seems headed to shambles. Politics would fuck up a wet dream.

And I recall, once again, the old woman who reached this conclusion in her 70s, I think it was, and thereafter responded by no longer voting. Asked why, she replied, "I don't want to encourage them."

Obama looked great until he got elected and started acting like a typical politician.

What would happen if 75% of the electorate wrote in "None of the above" in an election? If a majority refused to participate in politics as it exists today. I could get behind giving it a try. I mean, what candidate could sound more hopeful and progressive than Obama? And what candidate could so soundly run smack into Real Politik 101 after getting elected? The problem is systemic.

"Doing nothing, if properly understood, is the supreme action," wrote Norman Brown. This is why Melville's Bartleby says, "I prefer not to."

But let's look on the bright side. Voltaire encouraged us to tend our own gardens. Thinking small and living small. Dropping out, to an extent. Sanity begins at home.

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