Friday, June 05, 2009

After the storm

We had quite a storm yesterday while I was in class. Wind, lightning, the stuff we don't often get.

Really feel like I need a day off before tackling the projects. H has an opening tonight. During the day, maybe my chore will be to make a new batch of scrapple. And I can always fit in some writing and reading.

Sudden mixed feelings about the graduate school reunion. The folks I most care about from that era are gone. I've made peace with my 60s demons, and I'd hate to stir them back to life. However, if I go down to shoot a documentary, I'd have a focus and, yes, distraction. Not sure what to do.


ej said...

My suggestion: Go to the reunion.

If you (re?)connect with one person, it will make it worthwhile.

Life is short. Don't squander opportunities like this. You never know.


Charles Deemer said...

The shortness of life also is an argument to avoid disaster.