Sunday, December 07, 2008

Cutting room floor

Working on the rough cut of part 1 (of 7) of the mockumentary, all the clips for it shot now. The challenge was this: I have an 8-minute monologue, which in and of itself is fine but which in the context of the whole is too long; that is, it tips the balance of the characters in a way that hurts the overall piece. So I spent a lot of time trimming the monologue by half, and even at that it's longer than anything else in the video but I think it doesn't damage the whole the way the original version did. Another alternative, which I may think about, is to split it up into non-continuous sections. But all 8 minutes at once, while maintaining interest because of a good performance (by the actor who wrote it), tips the balance toward this character too much. Interesting dilemma, which I could have caught in the script but wanted to see how it worked. As is, I don't think it does.

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