Tuesday, November 01, 2011

My warm office

Man, it is winter outside! I froze my ass off on my circuitous hobble from bus stop to Starbucks to university. But did I bring hot coffee? Nope. The usual ICED coffee. Go figure.

Met another hobbling old man along the way. It was like being young and jogging around a track, a guy comes beside you, you go faster, he goes faster, and the next thing you know, you're racing. This must have been hilarious to watch! I forfeited first, with a pain in my knee. He hobbled to victory without a word. I need to turn this into a vignette for the book. It's all material. It all comes from whole cloth. (It's the difference between writing inside-out and writing outside-in.)

I have a couple hours before class and I am delighted to have them. Some web work to do.

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