Thursday, October 13, 2011


Will progressives ever learn that we are not in the majority and therefore rhetoric about "the people" always stretches reality? Here, for example, is a sampling of comments about the street closure.

It has taken 3 days for his patience to were thin? Should have been more like 3 hours.

sammy, you indulge a bunch of spoiled brats and you expected it to not be like this when you finally start thinkng about doinf your job? what a tool.
 Martial law anyone?

They've made that area look trashy...I wish they would get out of there!

Tear Gas

Start charging the protesters money to use the park and surrounding areas. Like a public event. $25 per day, per person.

I will not go downtown until these nutjobs are gone.

Clearly the real issue gets lost because of this diversion. Progressives need to be inspirational, not confrontational over irrelevant issues. A minority can taint the overall message, twisting it to work against our best interests. This is happening here now. Idealism has to be rooted in reality.

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