Friday, October 14, 2011

Occupy Portland protesters: Glad to be rid of street issue, so they can focus on economic message |

Occupy Portland protesters: Glad to be rid of street issue, so they can focus on economic message |

""The police have been great, and we've shown them that it's safe to accept our coffee," she said.

Knight and other protesters said they expect their "village" to stay in place for the foreseeable future, not just to convey the overt message that the economic system needs change but to show by their actions that "there is another way to do things," Knight said.

At that moment, a protester approached Knight to report that some war veterans had asked that chalkings on the Chapman Square war memorials be removed.

Knight immediately went to the outdoor food service set up in Chapman Square, found damp rags and got help from other protesters. Within an hour, the granite obelisk was clean. "

One of the valuable tools of the sixties, I thought, was the teach-in. I'd like to see the students involved in this get behind a teach-in on relevant topics like Capitalism v. Socialism, the history of money, the history of corporations, etc. They could make short educational videos for YouTube. There's much more they can do constructively beyond "being a presence."

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