Monday, July 04, 2011


Sketch, our rat terrier, dislikes noises in general and two kinds in particular. He hates sirens, which set him to howling as if at the moon. He may go on for 15 minutes after the sirens pass. And he hates fireworks (backfires, gun shots), which chase him into hiding under a bed or other safe place, where he may stay for an hour or more after the noises pass.

So tonight will be a hard night for him. I feel for him. I don't like fireworks either, not since 1993 when spending the 4th in a VA hospital changed my attitude completely (as I've written about here many times).

Tomorrow, at last, the holiday weekend is over and a normal rhythm can return. The good weather is supposed to hold all week.

Today I got some lawn work done, working up a sweat, which doesn't take much any more. Then I made an iced coffee and sat on the deck, watching the birds at our feeders, great numbers of them, yellow and red and brown and black & white, I never tire of watching them.

And here are birds in different weather:

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