Sunday, July 24, 2011

Why is anyone surprised?

What surprises me about the terrorist attack in Norway is that anyone is surprised by it. If you don't know by now that the entire world, all of it, is infected with the mad ideological rantings of conflict and violence that have overwhelmed cultures everywhere, then you're not paying attention. These ideologues, often under the disguise of being religious, are everywhere and everywhere dangerous.

We must also come to grips with a harsh fact: we caused this ourselves. This isn't God's doing. This is our doing. This is a consequence of a series of failures over time, in education, in spirituality, in preferring myth to history. We are reaping what we've sown.

And wait until Nature really gets into the act! Then we'll really see some bad shit. Because no ideologue is going to win. But Nature always wins, almost by definition.

Yes, it's a great time to be an old man. It's likely I'll miss the worst of this.

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