Saturday, May 22, 2010

Government spill response too slow - St. Petersburg Times

Government spill response too slow - St. Petersburg Times:

"Thirty days after the Deepwater Horizon oil rig exploded and sank in the Gulf of Mexico, the government still has no good idea how much oil is gushing out, where it is headed or whether the chemicals being used to clean it up are making matters worse. Until this week, the government left most of this information firmly in the hands of oil giant BP, the company responsible for the spill. There will be plenty of time to question why the government lacked the capacity to respond to the spill. But at the very least it should have a grip on the scope of a disaster that threatens the environment and livelihoods in four gulf states."

What a disappointment that Obama is slow and weak facing the oil spill. He appoints a commission. Big deal. He should be angry, damn angry, and expressing the anger of the people he represents. He should take charge. He should be a goddamn President.

I hoped Obama might be an FDR. No way. FDR, despite the wheel chair, had more spine than Obama. Obama is too goddamn nice to be President. He tries to satisfy too many folks. He needs less looking for brownie points and more righteous outrage on a few clear issues that face us.

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