Sunday, May 30, 2010

The fake feminism of Sarah Palin

The fake feminism of Sarah Palin:

"But, of course, Palin isn't a feminist -- not in the slightest. What she calls 'the emerging conservative feminist identity' isn't the product of a political movement or a fight for social justice.

It isn't a structural analysis of patriarchal norms, power dynamics or systemic inequities. It's an empty rallying call to other women who are as disdainful of or apathetic to women's rights as Palin herself: women who want to make abortion and emergency contraception illegal and who fight same-sex marriage rights. As Kate Harding wrote on 'What comes next? 'Phyllis Schlafly feminism?' 'Patriarchal feminism?' 'He-Man Woman Hater Feminism?' '"

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