Monday, April 12, 2010

A few poems from my archive

Weather Report

Rain soaked lawn
Bloated earth
Sputtering puddles
Like afterbirth

At the Cemetery

Yellow gold red brown
Fallen leaves adorn the ground
One three seven ten
Counting gravestones never ends

An Old Man

An old man
Is a young man
Whose skin doesn't fit

An old man
Is a young man
Who talks to himself

An old man
Is a young man
Who takes naps

An old man
Is a young man
Whose eyes get sore

An old man
Is a young man
Whose smiles are sad

An old man
Is a young man
Whose old man

Was right

Her Body

When she stretches on the bed,
I can’t look elsewhere instead.

The subtle turning of her lip
Suggests the curve below her hip.

No vocabulary tells
The special way her bosom swells.

All the length of limb and leg
Seem designed to make me beg.

In her navel’s hollow lies
A secret far beyond the skies,

And what her mons veneris spells
Has mystery in decibels.

Oh, I could go on and on—
But there she lies, and now she yawns…

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