Sunday, April 26, 2009

The Great American Songbook

The older I get, the more I appreciate the craft of the lyricists of the Great American Songbook (Cole Porter et. al.). The simplicity and natural voice of their rhythms and rhymes are not easy to write, as any songwriter learns soon enough. There was a generation of superb craftsmen that, in numbers at any rate, has not been duplicated since. Great talents.

H comes home this afternoon. Hence housecleaning ha ha.

Here's a markup of the cover I have in mind for the novel in progress, which I plan to finish this summer, my front burner project. Video goes second burner this summer. Pretty typical Scorpio project ha ha!

1 comment:

emma wallace said...

I find that almost all of my lyrics have been heavily influenced by the style of the Great American Songbook. The humor, the lightness, the clever cadence - it's beyond brilliant!