Thursday, December 14, 2006

Oregon Literary Review

Although we have six months to put together an issue, a few of my editors like to give everything to me at the end of the cycle. Consequently I am buried under in grunt work. I hope I can get the new issue out before Christmas. It's a great issue, however, which is ample motivation for Internet grunt work. All the same, I am running out of energy after only a few hours work this morning and thinking seriously of going back to bed. Surely not at 100%. But over 50%, I think. Onward zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for shattering my illusion of literary editors as sticky-fingered aesthetes drizzling treacle into their mouths on overstuffed chaise longues and flinging syrup-stained submissions into the air to let their Persian cat decide on the composition of the upcoming issue. Now get some rest.

Charles Deemer said...

I'm a blue-collar literary editor. There are more of us than you think.