Tuesday, December 05, 2006

A busy day ahead

Going in early to my office to meet with Primus and help him email this issue's poems to me for the review. His computer skills are marginal. The transfer is made more complex since he has a Mac, I a PC, so I can't go download them onto a flash drive.

I'll take work and should get a lot done. Then at 430 I pick up a huge stack of scripts and finals and come home for the real work tomorrow.

Meanwhile, a ferocious sound of chain saws outside. This may be the day they chop down the fine old tree we thought we'd saved.


Anonymous said...

I think you can convert the files to an .rtf file. That should allow them to open up on both the mac and pc (I think).

Charles Deemer said...

I may have tried this last year but I'll give it another try. Thanks.