Monday, August 05, 2013

Hollywood and Blake Snyder’s screenwriting book, Save the Cat! - Slate Magazine

Hollywood and Blake Snyder’s screenwriting book, Save the Cat! - Slate Magazine:

"The formula didn’t come from a mad scientist. Instead it came from a screenplay guidebook, Save the Cat! The Last Book on Screenwriting You’ll Ever Need. In the book, author Blake Snyder, a successful spec screenwriter who became an influential screenplay guru, preaches a variant on the basic three-act structure that has dominated blockbuster filmmaking since the late 1970s."

Wrong. It was Aristotle, not Snyder or Sid Fields before him, that established the 3-act paradigm for storytelling. It's worked for thousands of years. The creative key is to give it a good disguise. It's called magic, you get the audience to look elsewhere while you do the trick.

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