Thursday, June 13, 2013


"This is the perfect thing to read on a Kindle," says H. That's what I like to hear! "This is great," says a reader on an Iphone. The theory that vertical writing is perfect for electronic devices is the starting point for this experiment. So far, so good.

The real key -- and this make take a year or two, if it happens at all -- is to get Amazon turned on about this. Because most success stories happen when they put their considerable weight behind them. But first things first ... I am getting the first out, now to get the second, get three by the end of summer would be just fine, and maybe six by the time I retire. Then I'll have a pretty good sense what is working and what is not working, and can act accordingly.

What excites me now is that my hunch of the vertical writing - small screen marriage is right on.

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