Sunday, November 13, 2011

Occupy Portland: Police enter parks, clear tarps and tents (live updates) |

Occupy Portland: Police enter parks, clear tarps and tents (live updates) |

"9:53: People at the two squares are watching as tents come down, a complete departure from the more-resistant tone of just a few hours earlier.

City Commissioner Nick Fish, on the scene, said Portland parks officials are waiting for the police to give a go-ahead that the parks are clear. Then parks officials will do a complete assessment of both parks, ideally today.

Fish, who oversees parks, said of the recent events in which police began to clear the squares: "It was almost like the fever broke. And now we're seeing people break down their camps and voluntarily move on."

Fish credited Police Chief Mike Reese for setting the non-confrontational tone.

"We set the tone at the top," he said. "The bureau was going to engage the protesters and not get into a confrontation. Patience is a virtue, and in this instance, patience is going to reap dividends.""

Quite an accomplishment to get this far with so little violence. Maybe the movement can get back on message. Still much to resolve today, so we'll see. If the message becomes law and order, the progressives lose the war even if the battle was won.

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