Thursday, September 29, 2011

Fixing little things

Part of my downsizing was to terminate my account at PCEZ, where I had a number of websites that I transferred elsewhere. But little things there I forgot about now don't work -- my Sisyphus graphic, for example. So I had to reinstall in elsewhere. These are easy enough to fix -- the issue is knowing about them. I'm sure there are a few things out there not working that I don't know about.

A royalty check today -- for $2.60, from a publisher I used years back. The good news is something actually sold in this small venue after all this time. This trickling royalties still happen from several sources. The best royalties now, interestingly enough. are for ebook versions of my work at Smashwords.

H got a cold. She usually gives it to me, and indeed I am fighting the early symptoms. Then she is well in a week and I don't get well for 6 weeks. So I hope I can kill this one off at the pass.

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