Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Extraordinary day

Feel like I did a week's work on the project today, to the neglect of things I'd planned to do, like get the final draft of my syllabus. Tomorrow! But two good writing sessions and very exciting background reading. Peter Shaffer has written that in historical drama -- and while not exactly this genre, my novella has a very strong historical backdrop throughout -- first you put everything in and then you take most of it out. I'm still putting things in.

And much of what you take out isn't really "deleted" so much as made much more efficient. I've had a page or two of historical description reduced to a phrase, for example. It's the mindset that all the research gives you. You begin living in the era, or feel like it.

At any rate, with each day the project becomes more complex, difficult, richer, more challenging. I object to none of this.

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