Sunday, May 01, 2011

Audio books

Graham Greene
One thing I find disappointing about the new Kindle universe is that so many books I want to reread are not scanned. Indeed, literature of the 40s-70s, where so many of my favorite books are found, more likely than not will not have a Kindle version. I am particularly disappointed that my favorite novelist, Graham Greene, is not "Kindlized" yet. However, many of his books have audio book versions, including in a Kindle friendly format, so I decided to try one. I purchased the audio book version of The Human Factor.

Tim Piggot-Smith
The book is read by Tim Piggot-Smith, and this audio book is a gem. I regard the novel very highly, of course, and this reading is superb. Dramatic, engaging, just a joy to listen to. I've become a new audio book fan and after this I think I will listen to Derek Jacobi reading The Iliad. Audio books are a regular part of my "reading" now, I think.

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