Thursday, April 21, 2011

Rewards of writing

Someone just posted this comment to the Juniper Tavern trailer on YouTube:
I just wanted to say, that Xmas at the Juniper Tavern was a New Years Tradition in my family as I was growing up. From the time I was six, until I was fourteen, New Years was all about making a big bowl of popcorn, digging out the BetaMax, and watching an old OPB recording of XJT. Thank you for making this!
From TV Guide
I know several families in eastern Oregon used to do this as well. We writers don't often get the news. It's always appreciated when we do. Maybe we don't live in a vacuum after all ha ha.

And here is an informative piece by Bob Hicks on the 25th anniversary of Juniper Tavern, including my revelation of the true DNA of Swami Kree.

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