Monday, April 11, 2011

The Kennedys miniseries

I liked this for the most part. I ordered, on Netflix, the earlier miniseries so I can compare.

The success of the recent one, I think, rests largely on what was left out. They didn't try to do too much. They left out Teddy, for example. I wish they had left out Oswald or treated him differently than supporting the mainstream, so-called, single killer theory, which has been discredited for a long time now, even by the House
Committee investigating the matter. Few who have looked into the assassination buy it. There was more than one shooter. And you go from there into wild and not so wild explanations of this. But they endorsed something that the series didn't need to endorse (except that the writer is conservative politically, and most conspiracy theories blame right wing extremists to one degree or other). I also didn't like the characterization of Sinatra as a wimp, which contradicts my impression from other sources. Otherwise everything made dramatic sense to me -- and Oswald makes dramatic sense here, I just think they didn't need to take a stand on this issue.

The series was especially strong in its characterizations of the major players. This is why it works so well.

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