Thursday, November 11, 2010

More response about last night

"...moments of humor, absurdity, and family bonding. I love how the ending really played out between the two brothers. That was key."
"The concept of your film was completely solid, and that definitely came through in the finished project. ...Some bits were highly hilarious, while other parts were deep and profound. " 
"A great event in all respects." 
I feel a certain relief this morning after. I still have to watch the director's cut one more time, proofing the DVD in the boxed edition, which I suppose I'll do today, but then I can order boxes, the last gesture of the entire process, start to finish. I feel good about the film. As I've said before, it's not as great as I hoped it might be but it isn't as bad as it could have been. I also suspect this is a film that will wear on me well because, in fact, most of its subtext is autobiographical.

Next up is a documentary about General Strike, the labor song group. And brooding about the new direction, Art Song Music Videos. A very big challenge ... composing, finding a singer, shooting it. I likely won't get serious about this until Christmas break.

Half a dozen actors didn't show who said they were coming. Not sure why.

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