Thursday, February 14, 2008

Student scripts

I have an extraordinary class this winter term. Typically winter is the worst of my three terms, making this term even more unusual. Two students have written complete drafts of features so far (I require much less than this), accomplishment enough, but the drafts are in great shape for a first draft. One is edgy and commercial, the other artsy, erotic and serious, both with unique voices and engaging narratives. Additionally, two others have fine first acts (the requirement for the term) in draft -- and I've only seen half the projects this week, from the "forest" folks, the "tree" track students submitting next week. The sink-or-swim writers and the planners: I give them two writing track options (almost all writing teachers require planning, which is absurd since many professional writers use the discovery method instead).

It's always more exciting to teach when you have so many good screenwriters in class. Others, of course, have the usual beginning problems but this class has an unusual number of students who "get it."

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