Thursday, August 08, 2013

Forget Student Loans -- Make Higher Ed Free | Common Dreams

Forget Student Loans -- Make Higher Ed Free | Common Dreams:

"The smart choice would be to make college and professional training free — as we learned from the GI Bill after World War II. Under this 1944 law, about 7.8 million veterans were trained, including some 2.2 million who went to college; 3.5 million who went to trade, technical or other schools; 1.4 million who got on-the-job training; and 700,000 who got farm training. The total cost of the program was $14.5 billion — $1,860 per vet. A 1988 congressional study found that every public dollar invested in the GI Bill produced a $7 increase in our nation's economic output."

Hear, hear! Where are the champions in Congress of great ideas like this?

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