Saturday, August 25, 2012

Early mornings

Usually my favorite times of the day are the first several hours after I awake. I'm regularly up at 5 -- if I'm not up on my own Sketch gets me up because he wants his breakfast then. I feed the dog and turn on Kindle, where the LA Times has already been downloaded. I read the paper. By the time I'm done, The Guardian has been downloaded (at 530). After I read The Guardian (by which I mean, look at the headlines and read stories of interest), I look at the several blogs to which I subscribe: 2 science blogs, a publishing industry blog, a Mariners baseball blog. By then it's 7 or 8 and I usually think about breakfast. H will rise around 9.

The mornings are so quiet. During the week, traffic sounds start around 7 but there's longer quiet on weekends.  The peace and quiet of early mornings, of course, become something else in time, and the day can go forward in many ways. But the early mornings are pretty consistently what they are: quiet, reflective, peaceful.

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