Thursday, March 10, 2011

The Experiment (poem)

The Experiment

as I watch the news this morning

angry citizens in Wisconsin
suspicious senators questioning Muslims
wars hither and yon
and your kid getting bullied
not to mention floods and
the usual "natural" mayhem

I wonder if it might not be
time to admit that this
gallant experiment called
homo sapiens
(homo consumerus)
is a failure

though there has been much
to praise about our efforts here
(Brahms Beethoven Bach and such)
this zero-sum universe still feels
negative, which is to say
much less than zero

we survive if at all
by embracing survival cliches
by wearing blinders
by burying our head in the sand

yes, the world is too much with us

under the circumstances how fortunate
to be the old man that I am
than young and trying to find
level ground in a world tilted
toward extinction

how much better to have
a memory than a life

how sad to say so

--Charles Deemer

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