Wednesday, November 03, 2010

An honorable man

In close races today, politicians bring out their lawyers for recounts and lawsuits and countersuits. It's easy to forget that once men like Wayne Morse took defeat more graciously than this. His aides urged him to demand a recount when Packwood narrowly defeated him in 1968 but Morse would have none of it. From my play American Gadfly:
            I'm not going to be remembered as
            someone who doesn't know how to take
            defeat.  I'm not asking for a recount
            and I'm not drumming up charges of
            election misconduct.  If they want to
            remember me, let them remember my
            record on constitutional law and the
            fifteen-odd years I've argued against
            our immoral policies in Asia.  We lost
            and, frankly, it doesn't surprise me. 
            It was closer than I thought it would

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