Tuesday, September 08, 2009


I don't think I'll be back into a writing rhythm until after school starts. I have prep work for the new term, and I'm still brooding on the rest of the cold war story ... so I'm not demanding any creative work from myself for the next several weeks. But then I hope to hit the novel hard and finish the draft before year's end. It's doable if the story clarifies. So brooding is really the best work for me to do at the moment.

Had a good online chat with E. in Bali last night. Found her online and paged her with Yahoo! chat, she actually answered. It was great fun to connect with her in real time.

Heard from L., who is in a funk. You can't get creative people out of a funk. All you can do is say I've been there, know what you're going through.

We plan to catch a movie this afternoon, the new "smart" scifi that's out. See if the reviews are right.

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