Tuesday, March 06, 2007


Entering campus in my illness-shuffle, I ran into a dean who was the chair of the English Department who hired me a decade or more ago, a man I like and admire. We chatted about school matters and other things. He's a fan of hyperdrama, having seen my work at the Pittock Mansion, which may have been a point for my side in hiring me back then. Another faculty member here suggested me for the guy to start a screenwriting program on the basis of my website at the time, and those two are solely responsible for my being here, which puts me forever in their debt.

I don't have energy to do more than collect scripts and send my students off with an assignment for Thursday.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Prof. Deemer,

This is Dennis Kelly, former screenwriting student and current PSU acting student. I wanted to let you know about a student show. This website has the details: www.slctheater.net.
I didn't know your email address. Apologies. I enjoy the blog. Hope you're feeling better,