Thursday, November 30, 2006

Productive last day of class

Only one student came by during my last office hours. As a result, I got a lot of writing done on a new screenplay I'm writing primarily to test the structure-software I'm writing it with. So far, so good -- into the second act in a breeze. We'll see how the more difficult second act goes.

A writer I'm menitoring lost her job today, only weeks ahead of when she's scheduled to start MFA studies, and she needs a job to pay for it. Where are the wealthy benefactors when we need them? This talented young woman needs a patron! Contact me if you have money for her. Meanwhile, of course, she's out looking for a new job, hoping she gets one before her studies are scheduled to begin. Or maybe she can slide on unemployment for a while.

As I've said oh so many times here, Work is the curse of the writing class.

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